The first staggering steps in the silicone world. So much fun! I can't think what it would be like to be forced back to only having foam latex again. Personal favorite of the year must have been the no budget, two day notice upside down faces for a music video. I wish I could redo them better but am still proud of the concept.
This are the gelatine pieces I used on Peter Loguin for Don Giovanni on the GothenburgOpera. The pieces were only coloured with flocking. No pigments at all. I…
Peter Loguin without makeup
Peter Loguin as Il Commendatore in Don Giovanni on the GothenburgOpera
Peter Loguin as Il Commendatore in Don Giovanni on the GothenburgOpera
Peter Loguin as Il Commendatore in Don Giovanni on the GothenburgOpera
Peter Loguin as Il Commendatore in Don Giovanni on the GothenburgOpera
Ghost mask which could be lit from inside.
Ghost mask which could be lit from inside.
Some "normal" wigs for the same opera. Mattias Ermedahl.
Rennie Mirro in full upper body tattoo. This attoo needed to withstand a lot of dancing and spinning on his back. It was a real nightmare...
Rennie Mirro in full upper body tattoo.
Rennie Mirro in full upper body tattoo.
Here you will see some pictures of one of my first silicone makeups.
That is a serious amount of material! So I decided to make a special mould where I could make it hollow in the neck area instead.
This was step one where I extended the sculpt backwards. Then I made a new positive inside of the negative. Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the…
The way too transparent first piece ready to be applied.
Why do I end up making so many boobies??
First test makeup on Carolina Sandgren.
Soooo many problems in the beginning of silicone. But so much fun!
Carolina Sandgren in the opera Cinderella on the GothenburgOpera. Don't get angry about the ugly wig! She was supposed to wear a wig and it is taken off during…